About Us

The Hirondelle Association is for Multihull sailors who have a leaning towards the Hirondelle catamaran. It was first set up by a few like minded and dedicated guys who exchanged ideas and comments and enjoyed sailing their excellent little craft. In those early days there was only time to work for a living, sail as much as was possible and then maintain the boats.
As technology has moved forward, a few things have become a little easier and allowed us just a little more time, this has been used to set up the Association, now we can communicate much more readily and hopefully enthuse each other to get more involved in our sport (or enjoyable pastime).
We are a forward looking group with a driving force to improve our boats and our enjoyment of them, we will do that by passing on our ideas and any modifications we may feel we can justify, without too much compromising the original design.
We market our own design pennants.
The Association welcomes articles on modifications to other Hirondeller's and if you are thinking of parting with your pride and Joy we are happy to circulate for sale ads at no additional cost.