Hirondelle Mk I

The original Hirondelle, Mk I, in its day was ahead of any competition and was indeed a direct threat to many of the smaller monohull yachts.
Unfortunately due to many biased opinions and some high profile disasters with the ocean racing multihulls, she suffered in the small boat sales arena. Just to clarify matters, the ocean racing guys are out for absolute speed and will endure almost any discomfort to achieve that. Their boats are almost always one-off builds using cutting edge mainly untried techniques...but hey, this is what makes for progress! In general the Mk I's had a tall rig, masts in excess of 30 feet were fitted as standard and a high percentage of the boats were home completed. There are many differing interior layouts but there is only so much you can achieve within the available space!
The layout is in the main 2 off 2m plus generous single quarter berths, a large convertible double (cum table for 4) on the bridgedeck and a generous single on the starboard side which is also 2m plus in length. To port in the bow is the heads, most were fitted with sea toilets and a small stowaway wash basin. These were of adequate size for a family cruise. In fact the early boats made some pretty impressive passages with family crews. In short a good sized safe family cruiser.
Click here to see a copy of the original advertisement.