Hirondelle Family

The Hirondelle Family was born as a result of a Hirondelle Mk III owner holding the original design in such high esteem, he took the moulds of the Mk III and with the assistance of the original designer modified them to become the Hirondelle Family. The two guys referred to are David Trotter the owner of the Mk III and the original designer to which we owe so much Chris Hammond. Many thanks you guys.
The important differences were a wider beam (something in the region of 600mm), more freeboard (allowing more comfort in the cabin), the port hand fifth berth was removed and replaced by a fully functional galley, the bathroom (heads) became much bigger and even able to sport a shower and the rudders were under slung which enabled David to modify the transoms into "sugar scoop" types with steps moulded in. A major improvement of the comfort and accommodation was the bridge deck nacelle, this allowed foot room and therefore a better sitting angle at the table, as the underside view shows below.
Click here to see a copy of the original advertisement.